EDUC A TIO N - PHILOSOPHICAL FOUND A TIONS Fro m th e ver y beginnin g ma n ha s bee n continuousl y tryin g t o kno w an d understand th e myster y o f th e Univers e aroun d him . H e i s tryin g t o kno w th e relationshi p wit h the physica l worl d o n on e sid e an d socia l worl d o n th e othe r . I t require s kee n observation, critica l stud y an d dee p thinking . I t i s philosoph y , whic h ha s bee n ver y usefu l an d helpful t o kno w th e natur e o f man , hi s origi n an d relationshi p wit h nature , hi s aspiration s and th e too l h e use s t o achiev e hi s aims. Lif e an d philosoph y ar e s o closel y relate d tha t i t i s sai d tha t i f ther e i s life , there woul d b e som e philosoph y o f i t also . Th e functio n o f philosoph y i s t o refin e th e interests o f a n individual . W it h this , i t studie s th e view s o f th
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